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Chavara Vidyapeeth celebrating

Chavara Vidyapeeth celebrating "SHIKSHA SAPTAH" 

The Ministry of Education, Government of India, is celebrating "Shiksha Saptah" from July 22-28, 2024, commemorating the 4th anniversary of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

The details of planned days to be observed during the Shiksha Saptah are as below:

I. DAY 1: MONDAY - July 22,2024 
TLM (Teaching- Learning Material) Day- Encouraging teachers to showcase TLM based on local context
and use it in the Teaching Learning process.
II. DAY 2: TUESDAY - July 23, 2024 
FLN Day- Generating greater awareness among all stakeholders for successful implementation of
NIPUN/FLN Mission.
III. DAY 3: WEDNESOAY - July 24, 2024 
Sports Day- Organising sports competitions to highlight the significance of sports and fitness amongst
IV. DAY 4: THURSDAY - July 25, 2024 
Cultural Day- Special cultural day to be organised for inculcating a sense of unity and diversity among
V. DAY 5: FRIDAY - July 26, 2024
Skilling and Digital initiatives Day- Recognising the changing nature of job profiles and the need for new
skills and reflecting upon the Digital initiatives for enhancing the overall classroom experiences.
i. Skill Education for Building a Competent and Competitive Workforce (Annexure'5 a)
ii. Technology in Education Divas
VI. DAY 6: SATURDAY - July 27,2024 
Eco Clubs for Mission LiFE/School Nutrition DayEstablishment of new Eco clubs in schools and organising Plantation drive in schools under
#Plant4Mother initiative to strengthen the bond between students and their mothers and Mother
VII. DAY 7: SUNDAY - July 28, 2024 
Community involvement Day- Fostering collaboration with local communities, SMCs, NTA/PTA,
Sahodayas for encouraging socio-emotional well-being of students and providing an ecosystem for skill
development. [Celebrating birthdays/special occasions (Tithi Bhojan) involving the community as a