Principal Message

Be A Little Kinder Than

You Have To Be

 Serving others is one of life’s most awesome privileges. Philosopher and physician Albert Schweitzer said, ‘The only ones among you who will really be happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” Philosopher paleontologist and geologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin commented, ‘The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of oneself to others.’ Follow the counsel of Carl Reilland:

          In about the same degree as you are helpful you will be happy.

 Hunt for the good points in people. Remember, they have to do the same in your case. Then do something to help them. If you want to get ahead, be a bridge instead of a wall. Love others more than they deserve. Frank Crane said,”The Golden Rule is of no use unless you realize that is your move.’ Each human being presents us with an opportunity to serve. Everybody needs help from somebody. American physician and writer John Andrew Holmes said,

          The entire population of the universe, with

          One trifling exception is composed of others.

 Too often we expect everyone else to practice the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule may be old, but it hasn’t been used enough to show any signs of wear. We make a first-class mistake if we treat others as second-class people.

 You can’t help others without helping yourself. Kindness is one of the most difficult things to give away, since it usually comes back to you. The person who sows seeds of kindness enjoys a perpetual harvest. Henry Drummond mused, ‘I wonder why it is that we are not kinder to each other how much the world needs it! How easily it is done!’

Do you want to get along better with others? Be a little kinder than necessary. A good way to forget your own troubles is to help others out of theirs. When you share, you increase rather than lessen your life. American clergyman Harry Emerson Fosdick said,

                                                One of the most amazing things ever said on earth is

          Jesus’ statement, ‘He that is greatest among you shall

          Be your servant.’ None have one chance in a billion

          Of being thought of as really great a century after

          They’re gone except those who have been servants of all.


Theodore spear said, ‘You can never expect too much of yourself in the matter of giving yourself to others.’ The taller a bamboo grows, the lower it bends. True leadership begins with servanthood.

 We work together for the dawn of that day when India’s greatness will be judged not primarily by its military or economics strength nor by the splendor of its capital cities and public buildings but by the welfare of all, where everyone will be accepted and respected, irrespective of differences of religion, castes, sex, language, color, ideology or ethnicity.

I am sure students will cherish and feel deeply for not the contents of Mathematics of History or other subjects, but by the HABITS  the teachers fostered in them, the attitudes they nurtured, the behavior patterns they cultivated, the social responsibility they had taken up in their school days.

I congratulate all the teaching and non-teaching staff members of our school on the great achievements attained during the academic year 2023-2024. Together lets celebrate our diligence and effective completion of our tasks. I would like to express my gratitude to every parent that supported us throughout.

Ultimately, this accomplishment will act as a lighthouse, guiding us to remember that hard work and determination are the keys to success. God bless each and every one of us.

Fr. Babu